Industrial Barcode scanner DPM code


Multilingual language Transmission

Barcode scanner support multilingual output through USB HID, USB COM Port Emulation, RS232, Bluetooth HID and Bluetooth SPP. it enables users to communicate without linguistic barriers, and empower users to expand their business horizons.

The barcode scanners can be configured to support practically any language output, in accordance with different Unicode formats or code pages. Aside from Western European languages, barcode Scanners can also translate data into Arabic, Greek, Russian, Turkish, and more. Your scanners can also be set to output Asian languages such as simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, Japanese and Korean.

We recognize the need for flexibility when it comes to various host and interface connections. Multilingual Edge is compatible with a vast array of hosts or devices via USB HID, USB COM Port Emulation, RS232, Bluetooth HID and Bluetooth SPP. Moreover, data can be transmitted onto different word processors software programs via USB HID or Bluetooth HID, such as Microsoft Word, Notepad or WordPad.

Support ALT Code Output

The barcode scanners also support ALT Code output on MS Windows hosts. By enabling the “Universal” keyboard output, those special characters signs, symbols, accented letters of Latin language, mathematical symbols covered by ASCII and extended ASCII will be sent as a sequence of ALT Code plus numeric keypad value.

Post time: Jun-24-2022